A green environment is a good environment. NASA’s Clean Air Study was published over 25 years ago, but somehow the power of plants still isn’t common knowledge.
Did you know plants can boost productivity and creativity, increase concentration, calm your nerves and clean the air you breathe? High claims, but hundreds of studies show it’s all true. Inviting nature back into your home and office is beneficial in every which way.
Ogreen is an authority and innovator in the plant industry. Together with our partners at Fytagoras, we scientifically test our plants to make sure what we tell you is the truth.
Sometimes it's hard to find a gift for someone, let alone for all your customers or employees. When you give something they already have, one of both gets thrown away.
That never happens with plants!
When you get a new plant you will not refuse it 'because you already have one' or throw the old one out because you received a new one. This alone makes plants the most sustainable incentives gift, aside from the fast that it's a plant of course!
We cannot personalise the plant itself, but already starting from 50 pcs we can add your special message to a hangtag. From 250pcs onwards we can put your brandname or tagline on a bamboo plantpot.
That way your brand stays visible and people remember who offered them more green and more fresh air!
Because not all plants are good at purifying air, Ogreen works together with scientific plant testing company Fytagoras to test their plants.
All Ogreen Clean Machines are known to eliminate toxic substances from the air such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, aceton, ammonia and different sorts of alcohol, all to be found in our homes and offices.
So take good care of your plants, and your plants will take care of you.
Ogreen plants are real air-purification installations : only plants that are scientifically proven to be able to scrub an area of more than 10m² (in a room with a 2.5m high ceiling) and have an above-average air-purification score can become an Ogreen Clean Machine.
Studies have shown that plants reduce stress-levels and create a feeling of well-being.
Thanks to plants you feel better, boosting your creativity and productivity. This also leads to less absenteism at work.
Plants are green, just like Ogreens production process. Ogreen has the MPS-A quality certification which stands for sustainability and the environment. (www.my-mps.com)
The packaging is FSC-certified, sustainable and environmentally-friendly.
Leuvensesteenweg 475, 3070 Kortenberg
Email: info@amazingbrands.eu
Phone : +32 470 892 873